Where Are You, Leopold? Book 2
Hero in Plain Sight - Digital Comic

Michel-Yves Schmitt & Vincent Caut

Michel-Yves Schmitt (Writer)
Vincent Caut (Art)
May 04, 2021
Digital Comic
96 pages - Color

Where Are You, Leopold? Book 2
Hero in Plain Sight - Digital Comic

Michel-Yves Schmitt & Vincent Caut

Leopold is just like every other boy in town...except that he can turn himself invisible!

Perhaps when he grows up, Leopold will use his powers to fight the forces of evil...but for now, he just wants to have a little fun—sometimes at his sister’s expense, other times as her partner in crime.

Join Leopold and Celine as they jump headfirst into a new adventure that spells fun for the whole family!

In the same series

Book 1 : The Invisibility Game

Book 2 : Hero in Plain Sight

Book 1 : The Invisibility Game

Book 2 : Hero in Plain Sight

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