Born in 1950, David Lloyd is a British artist best known for his groundbreaking series V for Vendetta, co-created by Alan Moore. He debuted in 1977, drawing for Halls of Horror, TV Comic and Marvel UK. His first works include the highly acclaimed Night Raven, created with Steve Parkhouse, and another series for Marvel UK featuring Dr. Who. V for Vendetta was first published in the British monthly magazine Warrior, it was later released as part of DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint, and a movie adaptation was released in 2006. He has also worked on ESPers, with writer James Hudnall, for Eclipse Comics, Hellblazer with writers Grant Morrison and Jamie Delano, and War Story with Garth Ennis for DC, as well as Global Frequency with Warren Ellis for Wildstorm. He has also created the graphic novel Kickback for French publisher Editions Carabas.