

Born in France, Éric Corberand started his carrier as the writer of the series Les Griffes du marais in 1990. Using the pseudonym Corbeyran, he made a successful foray in a variety of styles including the thriller (Le chant des Stryges), social chronicles (Paroles de Taulards), sci-fi (Les hydres d’Ares) and humor (Le Cadet des Soupetard). 

En 2010, he develops with Cécil the steampunk universe's The Bombyce Network, published by Humanoids. 

In 2016, still with Humanoïds he started the adaptation of Orion’s Outcasts, based on the best-seller written by sci-fi cult author Julia Verlanger. 

He is one of the most prolific French comic writers, with nearly one hundred and thirty books to his name.
