Mathieu Mariolle

Mathieu Mariolle

Born in 1978 in Paris, Mathieu Mariolle is a comic book scriptwriter who has been immersed in classic Franco-Belgian comics such as Blueberry, The Incal and Les Passagers du Vent since his early childhood.

After studying and working as a translator, in 2004 he wrote the script for Pixie, his first comic book, drawn by Aurore Demily and published by Delcourt. He then worked on a large number of series of very different styles and genres: the crime thriller Sang froid (Delcourt), the comic book adaptation of Foot 2 Rue (Soleil), the spin-off saga The World of Thorgal: Kriss of Valnor (Le Lombard), the eponymous works of the video artist Nota Bene (Soleil) specializing in historical popularization, and the historical thriller The Final Secret of Adolf Hitler (Humanoids).

Mathieu Mariolle currently lives in Essonne.
