Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
Digital Comic

Mark Twain & Wander Antunes

Mark Twain (Original work)
Wander Antunes (Story & art)
Nov 07, 2023
Digital Comic
88 pages - Color
$9.99 - £7.99 - Can$12.99

Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
Digital Comic

Mark Twain & Wander Antunes

The most honest town in America is tempted by a mysterious stranger passing through...

Hadleyburg, a town with the reputation of being the most honest in America, is visited one day by a mysterious man who has come to right a wrong that was once done to him by its inhabitants: too egotistical, they'd forgotten the basic rules of hospitality. His strategy is thus to strike where it hurts them most: shattering their reputation for probity...

A successful adaptation of Mark Twain’s famed short story.

In the same series

Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg

Mark Twain's The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg

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