Redhand - Twilight of the Gods
Softcover Trade

Kurt Busiek, Mario Alberti, Sam Timel & Bazal

Kurt Busiek (Writer)
Mario Alberti (Art)
Sam Timel (Writer)
Bazal (Art)
Nov 10, 2015
Softcover Trade
148 pages - Color
7.6 x 10.2 in
$19.95 - £13.99 - Can$25.99

Redhand - Twilight of the Gods
Softcover Trade

Kurt Busiek, Mario Alberti, Sam Timel & Bazal

A powerful and enthralling sci-fi epic about a perfect warrior unleashed in an age of barbarism and sorcery, and fated to one day destroy the gods.

Set free in a foreign world and without memory of his origins, all Redhand wants is a peaceful life. But destiny wants it otherwise. Touched by a prophecy, imbued with incredible fighting skills and immune to magic, he is preordained to bring about great change to a land burdened by strict worship practices and warring factions.

In the same series

Redhand - Twilight of the Gods

Book 1 : Son of Oblivion

Book 2 : Mara

Book 3 : Rise of the Prophet

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